Saturday, April 17, 2010

Narcissistic self indulgence

I read a good quote in a book recently: “Most conversations are monologues in the presence of another person” (Magnificently Insignificant by Noel Odou if anyone’s interested). That’s basically what I’m doing here. I end up writing these great big posts about life and random thoughts going through my head, much of which is fairly unstructured and probably semi-incoherent. Most of it in fact belongs in my diary and I often get half way through writing a post and wish I had a copy-paste from my computer to my diary. I guess I could print them out later and paste them in. But anyway, what I’m getting at is that it’s really one way, it’s often quite candid, there’s no input from anyone else, and I’m basically just preaching my opinion at a captive audience who initially tuned in for travel updates from me. That’s if I haven’t scared everyone off already :-P, I actually have no idea how many people even visit this page anymore. I’m still not 100% sure why I even write the stream of consciousness ones, maybe it makes me feel connected to people back home, or maybe I hope to provoke thought in people. I do get some emails back sometimes from people wanting to discuss a topic or something, so maybe that keeps me going. Maybe it’s just that the stuff I physically do each day doesn’t really seem that important or interesting. Oops, here I go again, it just kind of happens and suddenly I’m getting all long winded.

So anyway, I guess I’m asking for advice, I feel a bit like I’m abusing this blog for my own ends, and maybe I should stop preaching my opinion and realisations I have. Is it interesting or do people find themselves skipping paragraphs and rolling their eyes at me? It’s a democracy people; nothing’s going to change unless you speak up! So I want the good AND the bad.

This is kind of why I’ve always been against blogging in the first place!!! It’s strange that people feel so self-important that they have to share their life with the world, and here I am being the worst kind of culprit!!! (2499 words of mental diarrhoea today people!!!)


  1. I am really enjoying your blogs Frank, just the way they are! Very entertaining, sometimes funny and also thought provoking. I hope you keep them up (even if I am the only one reading!) :)

  2. The only problem with your blog is that you don't update it often or write nearly enough. I love reading about your notions on imaginary money and whether or not bringing children into the world is fair to children - and I am more than happy to tell you now much. Or even to muse a bit back at ya.

    Promise me that you will eat at least one bug?

  3. Why thank you ladies!

    I appreciate it. I've been a little lax recently, I've been programming like crazy which means I don't feel like spending my free time writing blogs on my computer. Sorry about that. But there's another one up now :-)
